









You wish to be a master of yourself, no longer be hindered by neuroses and behaviors that you cannot handle?
You wish to stop making the same mistakes, out of repetitive patterns that prevent you from blooming?
With Oniric, the long years of costly analysis are reduced to a few weeks of induced dreams that reshape your psyche and destroy your neuroses, your blockages, your lack of confidence in you.


















Oniric is an experimental film that links new technologies and the human psyche. Increasingly close to our intimacy, technologies are changing our relationship to the outside world. Will they allow one day to penetrate and modify the unconscious, and so relieve internal conflicts, problems and mental injuries? For example, to accelerate the process of a psychoanalysis, penetrating our human mind? Dreams are a natural virtual reality produced by our unconscious. Imagine that a software is able to analyze them and then generate others that we retransmit during our sleep, in order to "heal" us.











Today, phobias, anxiety and addictions are treated with virtual reality therapy (VRT), such as C2Care. Tomorrow, the virtual dream could heal the mind and optimize our capabilities with programs like Oniric. In a poetic vision, the film evokes this hypothesis. At the crossroads of Oniric genres, it is innovative that it brings together sensory experiences.
This film evokes the sensations of VR immersion, with a dramatic emotional content and also a scientific aspect: it anticipates the future of psychoanalysis. From the beginning, we are in the midst of "disturbing strangeness" in the patient's dream. During the film, two universes alternate, the psychoanalysis cabinet where the patient is lying, and a beautiful old forest, virtual dream where this woman evolves. As a result of a malfunction, she will be able from the inside of the dream to "see" the computer program that generates it, and to penetrate it. She will then become a threat to the program that takes her for a virus. It is a confrontation between an artificial intelligence and a human conscience.
Indeed, the forest, the nature, indispensable elements of rejuvenation and of which we have cut ourselves, are omnipresent in the dream.






The woman is embodied by Barbara Fourneret, visual artist and sophrologist.


Artificial intelligence is Corrinna Torregiani, dancer and actress, partying dance therapy, who embodies it. His work on the psycho-corporal joins the advances of virtual reality therapies.





























































Link to the project as it was before shooting (FR)





































Le travail de montage et de post-production s'articule autour d'une recherche visuelle qui imagine un univers mental.
La rémanence temporelle et le défaut d'encodage de pixels (datamosh) ont pour objet de représenter la dématérialisation quasi-métaphysique du personnage.
Les artefacts générés par ces techniques d'imagerie m'intéressent car ils sont difficiles à maîtriser et donnent des surprises comme dans un travail artistique.
Comme un combat contre un virus l'intelligence artificielle se mélange picturalement avec la femme ou le personnage qui la représente dans son inconscient afin de la déconstruire, pour qu'elle
Le design sonore du film a pour enjeu de créer une sensation envoûtante.
A la musique je préfère des sonorités disharmoniqaues et électroniques. L'ambiance sonore de l'intérieur du programme, espace obscur à l'image, sera créé à partir d'enregistrements de personnes qui racontent leurs rêves en murmurant, leurs voix superposées afin de créer un fond sonore chaleureux et humain.
Il sera ensuite altéré et ponctué en un rythme musical, avec des bruits informatiques.
Une ambiance avec certains éléments en boucle comme dans les jeux vidéos pourrait créer une sensation de claustrophobie qu'on retrouve parfois en réalité virtuelle. De plus en plus proches de notre intimité, les technologies modifient notre rapport au monde extérieur.